Application deadline March 16th 2024
Cat. PRE-CATEGORY (children who have born after 1 Jan 2017)
Cat. A (Born Jan 1, 2015 – Dec 31, 2016)
Cat. B (Born Jan 1, 2013 – Dec 31, 2014)
Cat. C (Born Jan 1, 2011 – Dec 31, 2012)
Cat. D (Born Jan 1, 2009 – Dec 31, 2010)
Cat. E (Born Jan 1, 2007 – Dec 31, 2008)
Cat. F (Born Jan 1, 2005 – Dec 31, 2006)
Cat. G – Young Interpreter (Born Jan 1, 2003 – Dec 31, 2004)
Cat. H – Master Interpreter (Born Jan 1, 1990 – Dec 31 2002)
It is Possible to apply to a higher age category (but not to a younger one), but it’s possible to apply only to one category.
(one round – free repertoire PIANO SOLO – NO CONCERTOS)
Cat. PRE-CATEGORY maximum 5 minutes
Cat. A maximum 7 minutes
Cat. B maximum 7 minutes
Cat. C maximum 10 minutes
Cat. D maximum 10 minutes
Cat. E maximum 15 minutes
Cat. F maximum 15 minutes
Cat. G – Young Interpreter maximum 20 minutes
Cat. H – Master Interpreter maximum 20 minutes
A little flexibility (1 minute tolerance exceeding) is possible. PLEASE DON’T EXCEED 1 MINUTE TOLERANCE AS WE ARE GOING TO ASK YOU TO RE-SEND THE VIDEO
No minimum timing required
Please don’t hesitate to write us if you have any doubts.
Application fee:
Cat. A €50
Cat. B €50
Cat. C €60
Cat. D €60
Cat. E €70
Cat. F €70
Cat. G – Young Interpreter €75
Cat. H – Master Interpreter €80
Points from 98 to 100: First Absolute Prize and diploma
Points from 90 up: First Prize and diploma
Points from 80 to 89,99: Second prize and diploma
Points from 70 to 79,99: third prize and diploma
Points below 70: Mention
The first prizes (absolute or not absolute) with highest points will get a scholarship monetary prize
Cat. PRE-CATEGORY: First prize with HIGHEST POINTS €150
Cat. A: First prize with HIGHEST POINTS €200
Cat. B: First prize with HIGHEST POINTS €200
Cat. C: First prize with HIGHEST POINTS €250
Cat. D: First prize with HIGHEST POINTS €250
Cat. E: First prize with HIGHEST POINTS €350
Cat. F: First prize with HIGHEST POINTS €350
Cat. G – Young Interpreter: First prize with HIGHEST POINTS €550
Cat. H – Master Interpreter: First prize with HIGHEST POINTS €700 + one concert
It will be possible to divide the echonomic prize in the case of ex- aequo (exactly equal score)
FIRST ABSOLUTE PRIZE means exactly: points no less than 98\100
“With highest points” means that, for example, in the case of two absolute prizes in one category, one with 98\100 and one with 99\100, the economic prize will be won by the candidate who obtained the highest score.
- Online Masterclasses by the Franz Liszt Center Spain (selected pianists by the Jury and Artistic Director)