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Art. 1

The competition will be held in presence from 3rd to 5th May 2024 in the Auditorium placed in Piazza della Repubblica 1, Orbetello, Tuscany, Italy and is open to pianists of any nationality according to the categories below. It will be NOT mandatory to play the music by memory.

Art. 2

Categories will be as follows:

Baby Category: up to 8 Years old (candidates who haven’t turned 9 at the date of 3rd May 2024)

Cat. A from 9 to to 11 years old (candidates who haven’t turned 12 at the date of 3rd May 2024)

Cat. B from 12 to 14 years old (candidates who haven’t turned 15 at the date of 3rd May 2024)

Cat. C from 15 to 17 years old (candidates who haven’t turned 18 at the date of 3rd May 2024)

Cat. D from 18 to 21 years old (candidates who haven’t turned 22 at the date of 3rd May 2024)

It is Possible to apply to a higher  age category (but not to a younger one).
It is possible to apply ONLY to one category of the Junior competition
It’s possible to apply to one category at JUNIOR competition and at the same time to apply to Orbetello Master Piano Competition.
It’s possible to apply to Presential Competition (Junior or Master) and Online Competition at the same time because the juries are different.


APPLICATIONS ARE GOING TO BE LIMITED IN NUMBERS (we will accept the first ones in order of arrival of the application)


Program (one round – free repertoire)

Baby Category maximum 5 minutes

Cat. A maximum 8 minutes

Cat. B maximum 12 minutes

Cat. C maximum 15 minutes

Cat. D maximum 20 minutes

The performances will happen in Alphabetical order.

Please don’t hesitate to write us if you have any doubts.

Application fee:

Baby Cat. €40

Cat. A €50

Cat. B €60

Cat. C €70

Cat. D €85

Art. 3


Points from 98 to 100: First Absolute Prize and diploma

Points from 95 up: First Prize and diploma

Points from 90 to 94: Second prize and diploma

Points from 85 to 89: third prize and diploma

Points below 85: Mention



Baby Category: First absolute prize (required 98\100 points) with HIGHEST POINTS €100

Cat. A: First absolut prize (required 98\100 points) with HIGHEST POINTS  € 250

Cat. B: First absolut prize with HIGHEST POINTS  € 400 Offered by Banca Tema

Cat. C.: First absolut prize with HIGHEST POINTS  € 500 Offered by Banca Tema

Cat. D: First absolut prize with HIGHEST POINTS  €1000 (Offered by R otary Club Orbetello – Costa d’Argento), a concert in Orbetello Piano Festival

It will be possible to divide the echonomic prize in the case of ex- aequo (exactly equal score)


Special Prizes

1) Special award to the competitor with the highest score (1 winner in total – considered to be the one best score all throughout the categories) who is a resident in the Province of Grosseto:
Scolarship worth €100 Offered by Banca Tema

2) Recital for the winner of Category D, offered by OMI – Opera Munifica Istruzione TORINO, Italy

3)Application  + Course Fee for Orbetello Piano Summer School for selected participants in July 2023

4) Online Masterclasses for selected participants provided by M° Giuliano Adorno and M° Istvan I. Székely to selected students, courtesy of Franz Liszt Center piano center Spain

Art. 4

No competitor will be admitted who has studied in the last two years with a jury member: each juror will sign a relevant declaration about the contestans. The jury’s decision is final.

Art. 5

Pianos for practising will be available to candidates and it will be possible to try the competition piano.

The awarding of the winners will take place in an official form at the  final concert. It will be mandatory to play in the final concert for the 1st absolute prize winner, in order to redeem their prize.

Art. 6

By applying to the competition you accept all the articles included into this notice. In the case of any demonstration, the Italian text of this regulation will be worthy.

Art. 7


Application deadline 24th March 2024

To apply to Orbetello Piano Competition you need to send:

  • Name, Family name, birth place and date, Nationality, Address, phone number, email address, Italian TAX CODE (If available) – If the candidate is under 18 years old also give those data from a parent\tutor – you can USE THE APPLICATION FORM IN THE APPLICATION PAGE OF THE WEBSITE (available in January)
  • Program for the competition
  • A portrait photo for the competition graphics
  • Privacy statement paper with signature (to be found in the Application page in January)
  • Following the pre-registration you will receive payment instructions in order to have final confirmation of the application

PLEASE USE THE APPLICATION FORM ON THE “APPLICATION” PAGE. In the case you need technical assistance, please refer to but don’t send application documents to that email.

Art. 8

The application to Orbetello Junior Piano Competition does not predjudicate the application to Orbetello Master Piano Competition, so one candidate can, for example, apply in one category of Orbetello Junior Piano Competition(in the case the age is suitable), and in the Master competition.

On registration for the competition applicants tacitly accept all rules contained in this notification. The Italian version of this announcement will be deemed official in the case of any subsequent contestation.

The application fee is one-time payment and it includes participation in the competition. The registration fee will be refunded only in the event that the competition cannot be held due to the decision of the artistic direction or for reasons related to the pandemic. In case of absence of the candidate, notified after the registration deadline, it will not be possible to refund the registration fee.

Art. 9

This cultural event is not comparable to the sweepstakes, as intended by D.P.R.430/2001, art.6 com.1. Therefore, the Resolution n.8/1251 of the 28th October 1976 decides that the prizes will not be income taxed at the source.However,we specify that the final prizes will be added to Your personal income and the winners will have to pay own compulsory contributions on the basis of Your income tax return.

Art. 10

In order to participate to the competition it’s necessary to fill in the privacy consent form that you will find in the Application Page. You can read the Privacy Disclamimer here below

View our Privacy Disclaimer in English