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Please read the page “Regulation” for further details


Baby Category: Up to 8 years old (candidates who haven’t turned 9 at the date of 9th May 2025)

Cat. A from 9 to 11 years old (candidates who haven’t turned 12 at the date of 9th May 2025)

Cat. B from 12 to 14 years old (candidates who haven’t turned 15 at the date of 9th May 2025)

Cat. C from 15 to 17 years old (candidates who haven’t turned 18 at the date of 9th May 2025)

Cat. D from 18 to 21 years old (candidates who haven’t turned 22 at the date of 9th May 2025)


Program (one round – free repertoire)

Baby Category: maximum 5 minutes

Cat. A maximum 8 minutes

Cat. B maximum 12 minutes

Cat. C maximum 15 minutes

Cat. D maximum 20 minutes

The performances will happen in Alphabetical order.


Points from 98 to 100: First Absolute Prize and diploma

Points from 95 up: First Prize and diploma

Points from 90 to 94: Second prize and diploma

Points from 85 to 89: third prize and diploma

Points below 85: Mention



Baby Category: First absolut prize (required 98\100 points) with HIGHEST POINTS €100

Cat. A: First absolut prize (required 98\100 points) with HIGHEST POINTS  € 250

Cat. B: First absolut prize with HIGHEST POINTS  € 400 Offered by Banca Tema

Cat. C.: First absolut prize with HIGHEST POINTS  € 500 Offered by Banca Tema

Cat. D: First absolut prize with HIGHEST POINTS  €1000 (Offered by R otary Club Orbetello – Costa d’Argento), a concert in Orbetello Piano Festival

It will be possible to divide the echonomic prize in the case of ex- aequo (exactly equal score)


Special Prizes

1) Special award to the competitor with the highest score (1 winner in total – considered to be the one best score all throughout the categories) who is a resident in the Province of Grosseto:
Scolarship worth €100 Offered by Banca Tema

2) Recital for the winner of Category D, offered by OMI – Opera Munifica Istruzione TORINO, Italy

3)Application  + Course Fee for Orbetello Piano Summer School for selected participants in July 2025

4) Online Masterclasses for selected participants provided by M° Giuliano Adorno and M° Istvan I. Székely to selected students, courtesy of Franz Liszt Center piano center Spain